Let’s be honest. You’re not here to read the newsletter. You’re here to help. A simple $1.11 per week helps afford the necessities required to bring an individual or a family out of homelessness forever. Your subscription to The Tunnel newsletter is our primary income source, and our goal is to use 98% of your subscription proceeds to benefit those experiencing homelessness currently, or are knocking at its door. There are currently five initiatives which focus on different circumstances which afflict and grow the homeless population. You can choose which initiative makes the most sense to you, select to support the general fund to be utilized as needed, or submit multiple subscriptions if you’re moved to do so. Whichever you choose, we aim to help those who are ready to make the most of the assistance provided. We ask little, but because you had to work for it, we will not squander it. Our goal is not to simply feed thousands of drug addicts for a day. We want to create success stories by seeking out the diamonds in the rough–those who are ready to dedicate themselves to getting back on their feet, and they’ll need more than pocket change to make that happen, but combined with hundreds of subscribers’ weekly funds, those dollars add up quick, and good people’s lives can be changed forever.
And… if you really want to read the newsletters, they’re not far below. Keep scrolling.
Learn about the End-of-the-Tunnel initiatives here.
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*You may chose to give financial support directly to individual authors if a button is present on their respective posts.
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