Welcome to The Tunnel

A newsletter highlighting life on the streets, beneath the bridges,
and in the tunnels across America

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Together we can work to create change.

Chances are, if you live in a city with at least a six-figure population, you’ve seen the ravages of poverty and mental illness manifested in the tarps and tents which litter the landscapes and city sidewalks of America. Some see their fellow man, downtrodden and suffering. Some see a blight on America’s otherwise prosperous society. Some see a waste of human potential–bad ideas compounded upon bad choices. Some see danger in a potential for violent behavior. Some just see trash–a strain on the environment and a strain on the eyes.

They’re all correct–each in their own ways–but what they all share in common is, they see a problem. To fix a problem, however, you must first understand the problem, and most people don’t. A lot of people would be shocked to find that most of the people they see in the homeless camps and alleyways, under bridges and train stations, on the street corners and along the highways, sleeping in public parks and passed out beneath bus stop benches, are actually exactly where they want to be, as they say–in the tunnel.

Homelessness in America is a misunderstood phenomenon. Our writers are, or have experienced, homelessness, making them uniquely qualified to help educate the masses as to the plights, purposes, and truths within the homeless community. We sincerely hope that you take the time to read what’s offered here, and on a personal note, please consider that “homeless” is a tremendously vague descriptor. The people who share this adjective are as diverse and complex as those who might be called “homeowner” or “tenant.” There is much to learn if one only takes the time.

This newsletter is an effort to help the general public understand that there as many solutions needed for the epidemic of homelessness as there are people who are experiencing it. We live among them, we listen to them, we amplify their voices no matter how bizarre they may be. These are their and our stories–our opportunity to understand. This is life in The Tunnel.

By subscribing to The Tunnel newsletter, you help afford the wherewithal to fulfill the ultimate goal–to give these rare diamonds in the rough the chance to get back on their feet.


Social Change drives our work

Why subscribe?

The Tunnel newsletter is only a small, although integral, part of the overarching goal of this effort. Our goal is to not only raise awareness and raise money to the benefit of the people about whom we write and for whom we advocate, but to actually seek out the few among the many who truly desire an escape from this way of life–those who are ready and willing to ascend from its depths, and are deserving of the opportunity.

By subscribing to The Tunnel newsletter, you help afford the wherewithal to fulfill the ultimate goal–to give these rare diamonds in the rough the chance to get back on their feet. So, you can read the newsletter entries for free, as information like this should be free, but it is your paltry subscription which truly makes a difference in their lives.

As the newsletter is named for its presentation of life in the tunnel, the effort–a compilation of causes which aid in people’s ascension from and avoidance of it–is aptly named, the End of the Tunnel.

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